the album is here!!!

the album finally arrived. christoph is sitting in the other room and is listening to it right now. his verdict: it’s a hit! you can get a copy online for 10 EUR incl. shipping.

Categorized as music

album online

on the music page you can now LISTEN to the whole album. online sale will start in 3 weeks. at the same time the album will be available at the “WALD” bag & accessoires shop in berlin thanks to ulrike who agreed to have some copies in store. thank you!

Categorized as music

the world à la carte

Hey and thanks to all the folks who came to say goodbye. We had a farewell party yesterday and i think we held up quite well against the rain. Take four strong arms who hold a blanket over the heads and tell me it ain’t a house. Some photos will follow. I was given a… Continue reading the world à la carte


After a long winter, things are gaining speed. Most of the equipment is here or ordered, i will finish the album this month and i’ve sold, donated or simply thrown out a lot of my belongings. It felt like really hard work but everytime liberating if another box emptied wandered out of the apartment and… Continue reading Preparations